
Bomber Chic

Monday, January 09, 2017

I can't believe I just finished my first week of school! Technically it was 3 days worth of classes but having to readjust my biological clock to wake up at 6AM sure took a toll on me. I'm taking more classes than last quarter and I was able to catch up with all my school work over the weekend! I also signed up for Spanish since it's the second most spoken language after English! It'll definitely help me wherever I end up putting down roots. Fingers crossed my knowledge of the French language helps me through it! Anyways, my fingers are all bandaged up since I was pricking my fingers to test my blood glucose level in a glucometer - we have "Diabetes Care" this quarter for Pharmacy Practice and a lot of our Top 150 drugs are for diabetes. After pricking myself for a day, I can't begin to imagine the daily pain diabetics have to go through along with monitoring what's consumed. However, this assignment did give me a new perspective of my eating habits and how I should be more aware of the things I put in my mouth. Not too worry though guys, I'm totally normal!

Anyways, one thing I cannot live and survive school without is my agenda - it gets really messy as the school year progresses but it helps me stay organized. Not only does it help me highlight deadlines and midterms (high five to anyone who uses colored pens), my agenda helps me manage time! I highly recommend getting one even if you're no longer it school - it works for everyone no matter what you're doing in life. Now on to temperature! The weather has been a bit bipolar here in San Diego and Orange County has been experiencing the same temperature roller coaster. It's sunny and warm enough to leave the house without a jacket one day but then it starts pouring down the next. This outfit was taken in 2016 when warmer weather permitted me to leave the house in a maxi without shivering my skin off. I love wearing maxis since it elongates my petite frame and feels oh, so great to move in!

I've been getting a good amount of responses from potential pharmacy student candidates in emails and through the form and I'll address of your concerns within my posts! A lot of you wanted to know what my days are like and what you should do to prepare yourself for life as a professional student. More of this will come real soon! In the meantime, keep your comments rolling in! Until next time!

// MICHAEL KORS Leather Booties // JOLT Bomber // 3.1 PHILLIP LIM Medium Black Pashli Satchel // CHANEL Sunglasses //


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  1. That bomber is beautiful, looks perfect with the dress

