PPS at ASHP Midyear Interview Questions 2019 - 2020 Edition

Monday, August 10, 2020

Adrienne Nguyen PharmD - Pharmacy Blog - Aria Las Vegas Resort Corner Room - ASHP Midyear Las Vegas - PPS Interview Questions - Residency Questions

Hello again! I thought it would help to include all the questions I was asked during my PPS interviews at ASHP Midyear. Make sure to draft your answers beforehand and rehearse in front of a mirror - I went over my interview etiquette in a previous post and all the same rules apply - check it out here. I rehearsed my answers to the questions below so many times that I could say it forward and backward in my sleep. This isn't an all inclusive list and it varies from program and company but I do hope this helps you with your preparation! I know this is easier said than done but you'll soon notice that there's really no time to be nervous during your PPS interviews. I had 21 interviews and so many back-to-back's that I became numb to the process. Once you're in the hot seat, that adrenaline rush kicks in and your confidence takes over. I got so accustomed to it that I could predict what they were going to ask! You'll see what I mean once you're there! Best of luck! 😁 UPDATE: PSA - MIDYEAR 2020 IS NOW ENTIRELY VIRTUAL.

*STAR* Method
First and foremost, familiarize yourself with this method! It'll help you form all your situational responses and it never fails! I'm sure all your responses already flow nicely into this; mine did!

Situation - set the scene
Task - what was your responsibility in this situation
Action - what steps/tasks did you take to addresses the situation
Result - what were the results of your actions

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What Everyone Asks

1. Tell me about yourself
2. Why are you pursing a fellowship instead of residency or community?
3. Why this company/position (i.e. Clinical Development, Clinical Pharmacology, etc)?

    • What do you like about this company?
    • What drug in our pipeline stands out to you most?
    • What would you be interested in doing as a fellow?
    • Why are you applying to both X and Y positions? (If you applied to more than one)
4. What are your strengths/weaknesses? (Be able to list 3 for each)
5. What do you hope to gain from this fellowship?
6. KNOW YOUR CV. There will be many questions - especially from fellows!
7. Why are you the right candidate?
8. Tell me a about a time where you failed at something
9. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
10. Are you willing to relocate? What would you do if you moved to ____?

Other Common Interview Questions

1. What industry experiences do you have?
2. What do you do for fun?
3. Give us an example that displays your leadership skills/when you led an initiative.
4. What is your favorite drug?
5. What research projects have you been involved in?
6. Tell us about a time when you disagreed with something at work.
7. How would your friends/classmates/colleagues describe you?
8. Describe your work ethic.
9. How do you operate under stress? Can you multi-task?
10. What motivates you?
11. Describe a time when you had a conflict with a co-worker/classmate/boss.
12. Describe a time where a project didn't go as planned.
13. Describe a time when you missed a deadline.
14. Describe a time when you had to think on your feet.
15. Tell us about a time where you made a mistake at work.
16. Describe an unethical situation OR unethical situation given - what would you do?
17. Tell us about a time when you disagreed with something at work.

Well thought out questions... not your basic on the surface ones.
Show them that you've done your research and you're invested in becoming a part of their program. Want to go above an beyond? Research the fellows and the program directors! I made it my mission to get as many 1 on 1 phone calls with current fellows to pick their brains about what they do, what they like about the program and of course, so they could get to know me!

ASHP Midyear - PPS Interviews - Pharmacy School Interviews - ASHP Anaheim California
ASHP Midyear Las Vegas - Residency Showcase - Pharmacy Blog

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