

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Adrienne Nguyen_Invictus_What to Wear with A Watermelon Bag _ Watermelon Clutch_California Fashion Blogger

I'm finally done with all my midterms - I wanted to have a new post up much earlier but I've been catching up on much needed sleep! After a brutal week of exams, I hopped into my car and blasted to Los Angeles in the rain to finalize some business details. I don't exactly know my way around LA so I used Siri and she ended up leading me into East LA as a shortcut. Not so great when it's raining, dark and gloomy... After getting stuck in traffic on the way back, I ended back in my hometown of Orange County! Anyways, I had a much needed break this weekend but it's back to the grind in San Diego!

I received this adorable watermelon clutch courtesy of Nylon Shop! I wanted to pair this with an outfit something bright and since it was still a tad bit cold, I decided to pull out my mustard coat from Zara! I believe the juxtaposition of the colors works extremely well and it's a great Spring outfit! Even though some of my clothes only fit certain criteria and/or events - I do love it when I can add something versatile, such as this coat, to my closet! It works for school, work, and play! Plus, the pop of color adds more life to everything!

As for pharmacy school, I cannot believe it's already Week 7! Finals are creeping up and within a blink of an eye, it'll be time to study for the comprehensive exam and PCOA! This quarter is zooming by way too fast! I wish I had a pause button in life just so I could live in the moment and have some time to breathe. Pharmacy school is no joke - if you're not passionate about pursuing a career in the field, you'll just be miserable all throughout school. Sure, I do other things and I still continue with all my hobbies however, I no longer have time to travel or explore with leisure. Anyways, I am so glad I am able to assist so many of you with all your questions and even meet some of you in person! I promise my next post will be Pharmacy related so be on the lookout! Until next time!

Adrienne Nguyen_Invictus_San Diego fashion Blogger_Student Pharmacist_Hippie
Adrienne Nguyen_Invictus_Zara Mustard Military Coat_What to Wear to a Busines Casual EventWhat to Wear to a picnic_What to wear with a black dress_Yellow coat and black dress without looking like a bee
Adrienne Nguyen_Invictus_What to wear with block heels_Petite fashion blogger_vietnamese fashion blogger
Adrienne Nguyen_invictus_Fashion blogger_Student Fashion_Student style_UCSD
Adrienne Nguyen_Invictus_Classy Fashion_Girly Looks_Vintage and Classy Audrey Hepburn inspired looks
Adrienne Nguyen_Invictus_Blair Waldorf Inspired looks_What to wear to school
Adrienne Nguyen_How to look chic at school without doing a lot of work

// ZARA Mustard Coat // SAM EDELMAN Gold Block Heels // 


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  1. Fantastic post, I very like your outfit, amazing bag :)

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