Cropping Work Attire

Sunday, August 04, 2019

how to wear crop tops to work
Black. White. Navy Blue. Brown. Those are the predominating colors in the workforce. Professional? Yes. But, don't you get tired of having such a depressing looking closet? Sure, I love wearing all black ... But if I have to be around the same people in an enclosed capacity for extended periods of time, I'd like some variation - in color AND style. Or to quote Elle Woods, "a little something extra."  Don't get me wrong. I understand most places enforce a strict dress code, which I respect. I'll just bend the rules of fashion on my own time 😉.

As for this particular outfit, I got my inspiration from Suits. Do any of you watch that show? It is one of my all time favorites! I've watched the entire series, up to this point, f i v e times in its entirety! MEGA FAN! The women on that show have very different styles yet they're all very refined and sophisticated. I emulated one of Rachel Zane's crop top and pencil skirt variations with a slight twist. I found this amazing Clover Canyon Crop Top on sale (I linked a very similar one) and paired it with this H&M pencil skirt I've owned for years! I typically buy lots of bottoms and tops that don't mix well so when I find a pair that fits, I'm beyond ecstatic! I hope you enjoy this post! Until next time!

summer work wear
business casual looks
cheap pencil skirts
clover canyon crop top and h&m pencil skirt
what to wear to the office

work outfit ideas
// CLOVER CANYON Crop Top // H&M Pencil Skirt // REED KRAKOFF Boxer Tote // L.A.M.B. Blue Suede d'Orsay // CHANEL Sunglasses //


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  1. That top is so cute and colourful! :)

    Love the rest of the outfit too! Great for work and drinks! :)

    YouTube | Blog: Geekette in High Heels | Instagram

    1. It's definitely great for summer! Thanks, Natassia!
