PPS Fellowship Interviews

Monday, July 12, 2021

2020 has been an insane ride but it's about to become absolutely WILD for any of you participating in PPS at ASHP Midyear 2021. I'm not sure how applicable this post is for upcoming candidates but I do hope this sheds some light on how hectic the experience was for me... and could still be for you 😜Maybe things will change post-pandemic? 

One thing's for sure though... you'll be doing a lot of running. I had so many back-to-back interviews and it was a huge adrenaline rush! Besides running to interviews, I ran back to booths to drop off thank you cards into the mailbox/fishbowl as seen below in the picture below for Rutgers programs. I strongly suggest getting your interviewer's contact information/business card before leaving. 

So what do you put in the thank you card besides the generic, "thank you for taking the time to interview me," add specific things you mentioned during your interview so they remember you!

I would suggest finding everyone who interviewed you on Linkedin! The pictures below should give you a feel of what PPS interviews at ASHP Midyear are like - 1st interviews in front of the curtain while 2nd and 3rd interviews are behind the curtain. Each program is different: some only have ONE round of interviews while some have THREE rounds.

Check out my Pharmacy tab above in the navigation bar for more related content!
Best of luck to everyone 💪


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